Learn how to turn old tin cans into beautiful home decor items for Christmas. This tutorial will show you step by step exactly how you can recycle all of those tin cans into BEAUTIFUL tin can crafts for Christmas!

Do you have a lot of old tin cans from your Thanksgiving Day meal? Why not upcycle all those old cans into breath taking Christmas decor? This tutorial will give you ten unique ways to recycle tin cans into literally beautiful high end, home decor for Christmas! After dressing up these old tin cans, I was literally amazed at how they turned out!
I absolutely LOVE repurposing old things into new TREASURES! And tin cans have become one of my favorite bases to work with. Tin cans are well made and can be recycled into very practical things that add to your Christmas decor this year.
So let’s get started on recycling our old tin cans into 10 beautiful tin can crafts for Christmas!
Watch the full step by step video tutorial on “10 High End Tin Can Crafts for Christmas”
1. Yarn Tin Can Craft
Supplies Needed for this Yarn Tin Can Craft
- Chunky Yarn (Size 7)
- 28 oz Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- White Spray Paint
- Corkboard (Optional)
To make this very easy tin can craft use chunky yarn. Start by hot gluing cork onto the bottom of your tin can like in the video. Then simply hot glue the chunky yarn around your tin can. You can cut strips of the yarn that are the same length as the perimeter of the can. Then just hot glue the strips on top of each other until the entire can is covered.
As you can see in the picture above I used the yarn tin can (can on the right) for a planter this year. It holds this little flocked tree I got at the end of last season just perfectly!
2. Sweater Tin Can Craft
Supplies Needed for this Sweater Tin Can Craft
- Old Sweater Sleeve
- 28 oz Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- White Spray Paint
- Coordinating Ribbon
- Corkboard (Optional)
This next tin can craft is even easier than the first. Just take an old sweater and cover the tin can with the sweater sleeve. Hot glue the sweater sleeve to the inside of the tin can. Then cover the bottom of the can with a coordinating ribbon. I had this white and gold cozy ribbon from Hobby Lobby that I attached on the bottom of my tin can.
3. Birch Logs Tin Can Craft
Here’s the supplies needed for this tin can craft:
- Birch Log rolls or Small Sticks
- 11 oz can or can that matches the size of your sticks.
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- White Spray Paint
- Corkboard (Optional)
With this tin can craft I used these little birch logs that I found in the Christmas section at Hobby Lobby but you could also use little sticks that you find outside. Start by painting your cans to match the color of your sticks. I painted mine white but if you are using brown sticks you could paint your can brown. Hot glue the sticks around the perimeter of the tin can.
I then stuffed floral foam into the center of the tin can. You could also put a candle in the tin can if there was nothing flammable in the can.
4. Ribbon Tin Can Craft
Supplies Needed for the Ribbon Tin Can Craft:
- Ribbon (Any size, color or texture you like)
- Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Corkboard (Optional)
This tin can craft is similar to the yarn tin can craft. Simply take your favorite color and style of ribbon and wrap it around your tin can. Hot glue the ribbon in place around the outside of your can. You can also cover the bottom with the corkboard to give it a high end look.
5. Gnome Tin Can Craft
Here’s the supplies needed for the Gnome Tin Can Craft:
- Gnome Pattern
- Tin Can
- Sock or Other Fabric
- Felt or Fabric for Hat
- Wooden Nose
- Faux Fur
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Floral Foam and Wooden Dowel (Optional)
If you like gnomes this next tin can craft is a FUN one! Cover your tin can with a sock and hot glue it to the inside of the can. Then cut out the gnome hat and fill it with some poly fit. Hot glue the gnome hat, faux fur and nose onto the tin can and you have your very own tin can GNOME!
6. Burlap Tin Can Craft
Here’s the supplies needed for this burlap tin can craft:
- Strip of Burlap (5.5”x 1 ft)
- 28 oz Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Ribbon
- Scrapbook Paper
- Corkboard (Optional)
This cute buffalo check burlap Christmas planter for Christmas greens was also make from a tin can. Start with your tin can and attached the buffalo check burlap to the outside of the can. Then cover the btotom of the can with the corkboard. Use ribbon as a trim for the bottom of the can. Attach additional ribbon around the center fo the can.
7. Music Sheets Tin Can
Here’s the supplies you need for this music sheet tin can:
- Sheets of Music or Book Pages
- Tin Can
- Hammered Metal Spray Paint or Other Dark Spray Paint
- Mod Podge and Foam Brush
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Joy to the World Cut Out
- Twine
- Pine Cones, Bells or Other Embellishments
8. Lace Tin Can Craft
Here are the supplies needed for the lace tin can craft:
- Variety of Laces
- 28 oz Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- White Paper and Other Scrapbook Paper
- White Paint
- Twine, Bells, Pine Cones
- Corkboard (Optional)
- Christmas Floral
9. Mod Podge Snow Tin Can Craft
Here are the supplies needed for the mod podge snow tin craft:
- White Paint
- Mod Podge
- Fake Snow
- Tin Can
- Hot Glue and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Twine, Ribbon, Pine Cones, Bells, Snowflake or other Embellishment
10. Spray Painted Tin Can Craft
Here’s the supplies needed for this spray painted tin can:
- Spray Paint (Black look really nice!)
- 28 oz Tin Can
- Drill
- Jute Twine
- Mod Podge & Foam Brush
- Scissors
- Christmas Word or Saying
And these are just a few of the MANY types of tin can crafts you could do this year to recycle all those green bean and French onion cans! Please let me know below which one is your favorite and be sure to check out this tutorial on turning your old socks into snowman!
I love all of your designs, but where to you find all of your small trees to fill them?
Hi Kathleen! The frosted trees were from Target. The small trees with pine cones like the one in the black can were from Wal-Mart and the smallest tree in the Joy to the World tin with the music sheets was Ikea! Hope that helps! Happy Crafting! Elizabeth