The first day of school is always a big day. Summer fun is winding down and we begin thinking of books, buses, teachers, and classrooms. This year is a big year for us because my oldest daughter Annabelle will be starting school for the first time. I wanted a special way to mark her journey and share with our family and friends. So I created a back to school printable for her first day of school.

Of course up to this point there have already been a lot of firsts. Yesterday we met her kindergarten teacher for the first time. She bought a backpack and school supplies for the first time. She went to preschool for the first time a few years ago. But starting school feels different.
Annabelle has spent the past five years playing, imagining, singing, dancing, living life to the fullest in our home. Even though she went to preschool for half days, the first day of kindergarten feels like a big milestone for her.
It’s hard to understand all of the emotions just yet. Although I have tried my best to just communicate excitement to Annabelle. There are definitely feelings of sadness. That this stage is ending and there is no sign it will be back. I have never gone through this before so maybe kindergarten is harder than other grades. But this year there have definitely been tears.
I know ultimately she belongs to Jesus. And ever since she was an infant I feel like motherhood has been a journey of letting go slowly. At first she was completely dependent for food, sleep, everything. Then she started eating, talking, walking, slowly becoming more and more independent. I can imagine this independence continues to grow and that it is a good thing.
So there are also feelings of excitement. For what she will learn, how she will grow, the friends she will make and who she will become. I want her to feel confidence that we believe in her and that she will be successful in this new journey. To cling to Jesus even when she is little.
So next week when we enter this new stage that’s just what we will do, cling to Jesus. For Annabelle on her new adventure, For the rest of us cheering her on. And we will celebrate the special day with her. But now we have a First day of School printable sign that we can use for a picture before she leaves for her first day of school.
I made several different options and let her chose her favorite. I thought I might as well share it with you too. If your kiddos are headed into the big world for the first time or back to school and it’s old hat this week. Here’s a free printable for you. Hopefully this will make it easier for you. I made a few versions of the printable, two for girls and two for boys. It will be a pdf that you can change for each child.
This is a fun way to mark a very special occasion for our little girl. We are clinging to Jesus and hoping for a great year! My husband and I keep telling ourselves one day at a time. And I am hoping by the time she holds up the sign for 1st grade it gets easier!
But I also hope that you will find these printables useful and that you can just fill it out and print it off for your own little ones big adventure! Happy School Year to you!
Don’t worry if your child started school already. Just pin this for next time.
God bless and keep you and your little ones!
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