This year I wanted to decorate our front steps for fall. Although I hadn’t done much in the past. This year I started thinking about how the front door and steps were a way to welcome others to our home. This may be obvious but it struck me in a special way this year and I really wanted to do a little more to decorate our front steps for fall.
Normally I would spend as little as possible on home decor items, especially those that are perishable like pumpkins and mums. But this year was a little different. Decorating our front steps began to have more of a purpose in my mind, to welcome others.
The new purpose gave me more of a reason to buy something really nice that I liked and would look nice with the colors of our home. For me when something has a purpose and the potential to bless others it is much easier to invest in.
After all our front door and steps are what first greet visitors to our home. And to be honest I hadn’t worried much about the front door since moving in. There were still stickers on the door from the previous owners and our door was looking a little sad. So I decided to clean the door and remove the old stickers before hanging anything on it. Just a little extra attention that it really needed.
Our welcome mat was looking a little tired as well. So I took it inside to dry off so I can re-paint it. Did you know that if you have a mat where the writing has worn off you can just touch it up? I didn’t either until recently. I know for someone who likes to save money these kind of tricks are like gold.
Yesterday we had a perfect fall day in Minnesota so my daughter Emmie and I went to a local floral shop and picked out these gorgeous burnt orange mums. They just seemed to really scream fall to me, which is what I was looking for. My sister-in-law Alesha had picked up these galvanized metal tubs for me and I thought they would fit just perfect inside. And they did!
Emmie picked out a pumpkin she liked, and we decided that we would get the rest of the pumpkins later on with my oldest daughter Annabelle. But for now the mums look just right on our stairs with the pumpkin we picked.
It was fun decorating our stairs and my daughter Emmie loved looking for mums and pumpkins. It was interesting to me how much more willing I was to put a little skin in the game when I realized that decorating the porch could actually have a purpose and that purpose was to bless others.
Hospitality is important and I want to continue to learn ways to show hospitality to others and teach that to my daughters. In Romans 12 when Paul is talking about how to put love in action one of the things he encourages us to do is “practice hospitality.”
Creating a warm welcoming front porch of course is just the beginning to offering hospitality to others. And what I truly want is for it to go past my front steps into the walls of my home and deep into my heart. But this was what motivated me to take some extra steps this year to decorate my front door and steps. Does finding a deeper purpose motivate you to take extra steps in caring for your home or in other ways?
I would love to learn from you too. What are your favorite ways to show hospitality to others? How do you make a warm welcoming home this time of year?
Here are some DIY fall coasters you can make to add some warmth on the inside of your home as well.
I hope you are enjoying your week and this lovely fall weather!
[…] neighbors, visitors and passerby’s. This fall I felt encouraged to spend more time decorating my front steps as an invitation to guests. Hopefully in a similar way this sign is a small symbol of the Joy we […]