Learn how to make DIY long lasting hand warmers in a few easy steps. DIY hand warmers will keep your hands and feet warm in cold weather. With one simple trick you can make the DIY hand warmers long lasting. These DIY heart shaped hand warmers are a fun gift idea for friends and loved ones.

It is cold in Minnesota!! So I thought it was time to make some long lasting DIY hand warmers. Because anything to help keep my loved ones warm right now is a win in my book. These DIY reusable handwarmers are made with rice and a pinch of lavender.
I made these around Valentine’s Day this year so I made them in a heart shape. And this these DIY hand warmers are made with rice I even made a few of them into bean bags for my daughters and they used them for a bean bag toss. It was so lively entertainment on a cold day in February.
So let’s get started on making some of these DIY long lasting hand warmers. Another use for these DIY hand warmers could also be as a filler in a basket or tray. The lavender gives them a nice scent for any room. They could also be a fun gift to let a friend know you are thinking of them.
So let’s get started with our DIY Long Lasting Hand Warmers!
Here’s the supplies needed to make DIY long lasting hand warmers:
- Heart shaped pattern & printable instructions
- 100% Cotton Fabric
- 100% Cotton Thread
- Sewing Machine
- Rice
- Lavender (optional)
Here’s how to make a DIY long lasting hand warmer:
Step 1: Cut out your heart shaped pattern:
Using your heart shaped pattern. Cut out two pieces of the heart for each hand warmer. Pin the two pieces of fabric together. I pinned them right sides out since I wanted the edges of the hand warmers to be unfinished.
How to make the DIY hand warmers long lasting:
In order to make the hand warmers long lasting, just double the fabric or add a liner to the inside of the fabric. I just add an extra layer of cotton. You just want to make sure that whatever you use is safe to use in the microwave. 100% cotton is usually best.
Tip: if you want to make cutting super easy. Just cut out one heart and pin it to a square. Then cut around the heart once it’s sewn on.
Step 2: Sew around the edges of your hand warmers
Sew around the heart hand warmers with a 1/4″ in seam. Be sure to leave an inch opening to fill the hand warmers with rice.
Tip: I did not turn my fabric inside out because I wanted the unfinished edge around the heart. If you want a finished edge to the heart. Turn the hand warmer inside out and shape your heart.
Step 3: Fill the hand warmer with rice
Now that you have a seam around the hand warmer, fill it with rice or fragrance of choice. I used fresh lavender. You could also use essential oils. Fill it until it is plump but not so full that it will be difficult to sew closed.
Step 4: Sew to close your hand warmer
Now take your hand warmer back to your sewing machine and sew it closed.
And that is really all there is to making these DIY long Lasting Hand Warmers! So easy peasy right? You could do any shape you want for your hand warmers: hearts, squares, circles, stars!
Step 5: (Optional) print off hand warmer instructions
If giving these DIY hand warmers as a gift to warm someone’s heart, print off the instructions. Attach the instructions to the handwarmers with a cute safety pin.
To use the hand warmers just microwave for 20-45 seconds. Be careful when removing hand warmers from the microwave.
No time to make DIY hand warmers now? No worries just pin for later.
If you like keeping warm you might also want to check out this DIY Microwavable Rice Pad. It works well for aches and pains and it is the easiest way I have found to make DIY Rice Pads.
And that’s all for now! Thanks for stopping and I hope your hands and hearts are warm this winter!
Take care and God bless!
Thank You so much for the rice heating pad. I use to have one of these but I can’t seem to find it. Maybe it got thrown out somewhere alone the way. My neck has been bothering me so I decided I needed one of these again so I’m glad I came across yours. The hand warmers are a plus I really need them my hands are always cold just ask my husband. Thank You again its a pleasure to greet you and I’m glad to meet a christian woman God Bless You! Thanks Barb