In many ways I am happy to be leaving 2019 behind, and am welcoming a fresh start in 2020! But this year I felt an extra amount of pressure with not only a new year, but a new decade starting to make some pretty exciting resolutions! Can you relate? I felt a lot of pressure from myself and those advertising to me to be a better, newer version of myself.

Unfortunately I think this extra amount of pressure actually made me shy away from the new year. And although I made some of the same resolutions. Like taking better care of my body by moving more, eating better, and learning new crafting skills. Being 25 weeks pregnant currently and still feeling the all day nausea, I thought more about what is truly important for me, and my family. The things that really fuel my weary soul.
This passage in Luke helped me gain perspective for this new year. And it encouraged me because even when I feel weak and unable to make big goals. I can still do the one thing needed.
Luke 10:40-42
“But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Sitting at Jesus’s feet
Because the truth is that even when I feel more energized and more competent at making big goals, only one thing is truly needed. And I think that is one benefit of feeling less adequate in my own abilities. I am more attuned for what God might have for me this year versus what I think I might be able to work on as my agenda.
Isn’t it is easier to sit at Jesus’s feet and listen to His words when we feel weak? Rushing around and the crowding in of other things is less appealing when I am feeling sick or weary.
When Everything Seems Important, We Miss Out
I am thankful for Martha. Because it is through imperfect examples that I find hope. How often do I do the same thing Martha did? I make unnecessary things, important. More important than listening to Jesus. Listening. I think that was a big difference between the two women.
Martha wasn’t necessarily doing anything wrong by serving everyone. In fact to her it seemed necessary, and even more important. If we were in the room with the sisters, would we think Martha was more servant-hearted. We know from Luke that she thought she was. Martha tried to have Jesus support her point of view and reprimand her sister.
But Jesus surprised her and teaches something incredible. “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
All the Other Things
But what about everything else on my to- do list. Surely I can’t ignore the needs of my husband, children or home? I don’t think this is what Jesus is getting at.
Mary was choosing in that moment to listen intently to what Jesus was teaching. Martha wanted Mary to be a part of her agenda. She was not able to sit and listen because she was distracted by other things.
Could Martha have chosen like Mary to listen first, and then worry about the meal, the dishes, the other distractions? Yes, so Jesus helps her. Seek me first, seek the things of God first, all the other stuff will be added on as well.
Simplifying My Resolutions
So this year I kept my resolutions simple. I know this is the place I want to start my days. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, with Mary.
This year, like every year, no matter what I am doing I want to make sure I am keeping my focus on Jesus. When I feel nauseous and can’t sleep. Jesus. When I feel energized and ambitious. Jesus. Every feeling in between. Jesus.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Thanks Lizzie for this very important reminder! I would do the Bible challenge with you.
Great! I will sign you up!
Hi, Elizabeth,
Somehow, I knew before I read anything other than the title what you were going to say:)
My husband reads our Bible passage, devotional, and thoughts for meditation every night, and I have a little 5-minute verse reading every day, but it’s still not enough. I just began reading Jonathon Edwards’ “Resolved” statements, and it is exhausting just reading what he had resolved to do in his daily walk with God. Wonder how he actually did?
Yes! Please add me to your 7-day Bible reading Challenge. I need God first, most, and always. Somehow, I sometimes/many times forget that. Maybe doing this with someone else to keep me accountable will help.
thanks for offering this:)
How wonderful to have a devotional time together. Yes, Jonathan Edwards was quite admirable. I actually thought of him this year too and wondered how he actually did too. I will add you to the challenge. It will start on Tuesday instead of Monday. Hope it is an encouragement. 🙂
Yes I would
Love to be added! I want to make more time for Jesus and make him the center of my attention in 2020 and everything else I know will fall into place! Thank you! ~Connie
Hi Connie! Yes! I love your perspective. I signed you up. Please let me know if you have any troubles with it. Thanks! Elizabeth
Add me please.
Hi Bev! I signed you up. Please let me know if you have any difficulty with it. Elizabeth
I very much agree with your thoughts Jesus should be at the top of everyones list. But sadly it is not!! Everyone is to busy with there life!!!
I’m so happy you know GOD. Thaank You Barb
Hi Barb, yes God is worthy of our time and lives. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth
Amen, Lizzie. Thanks for pointing the reader to the One we need! Love, Dame
Thanks for reading Dame. Love you, Elizabeth
Beautiful reminder Elizabeth! I love this! It’s so easy to let the distractions and important things crowd us out of listening to Jesus. I really love the application to the new year.
Hi Melanie, Yes, it is easy to let distractions become way to important. It really helped me this year, because I felt a lot of pressure to change a lot of things. Easy for overwhelm to set in. Jesus simplified my thinking! Elizabeth