All day every day there is a lot of chatter in my head. Chatter telling me why I am not able to do this or that. Chatter telling me this should have been done like that. And that should have been done like this. Chatter reminding me of my shortcomings, and minimizing my strengths. Chatter overemphasizing my strengths and minimizing my weaknesses. So this morning I took time to quiet the chatter and do some remembering. Remembering who I am and whose I am.
I have been feeling the need to remember for some time now. To sit down and write out affirmations of (remember) who I am and whose I am. But of course I had successfully put it off. Until yesterday when two of my blogging mentors encouraged me to write out affirmations for myself.
So this morning I picked up the best book I have ever read on my identity in Christ. “ It was one of those books that was so nourishing I just hoped its pages might go on forever. It had such a profound impact on me I could never imagine forgetting what I was reading.Yet somehow it happens. Somehow I forget. Lately I have felt defeated often. That I am not enough. That’s where I was this morning when I sat and opened this book again. Desiring to remember the sweet truths that on a daily basis I so often forget. Neil talks about who we are in Christ and all the identities we have been given as children of God. This morning I just started with the first few paragraphs of the introduction because it alone gave me so much delight. Neil says in the introduction, “we have to consciously know the word of God, so that we can understand who we are from God’s perspective.” Knowing who we are does not come naturally. There isn’t a way to just delete what we have from the past or even the present. But we must actively know and remember God’s word. Then he cited these sweet words: Wow. Such huge unimaginable truths. In my mind I could feel the chatter rising. But now I could believe something different because I have God’s promise in front of me. I was so thankful, so nourished by these words. Reminding me of love and acceptance. This song, Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin does a nice job of emphasizing this truth. It’s one thing to hear about the love of God and read about it, but I was so thankful for His whisper to me this morning. This time I know how easily I may forget. So I will add these two truths to my list of affirmations that I review daily. I am excited to see my list of affirmations grow. Hopefully they will help me to continue to remember who I am and whose I am! Would love to hear if you use daily affirmations or if there is anything that is hard for you to remember. Thanks for taking the time to stoop by! If you liked this post you might also like this one. Much love,
I am loved by God.
I am a child of God.
I have been reminded too, lately, that we must remember and stand on what the Lord says, despite what may be pressing in around us. Thanks for sharing, Lizzie.
Yes dear! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. He is a solid rock on which to stand!