This week was crazy. Crazy because scary things happened. Right away on Monday morning, as if it was a planned meeting time. I got a phone call from an old friend who worked in the ER in my hometown. She said my brother was in the ER having a heart attack. What?? Can you repeat that please. What?
Life Can be Crazy
When I hung up the phone and the shock wore off, the emotions set in. Tears. Fear. Panic. Love for my brother. Worry. And needless to say my week was re-arranged pretty quickly. Being with my brother during this time became the priority and everything else seemed less important.
It was very scary but my brother is doing well now all things considered. I just feel very thankful that his life was spared! We had some other situations that added to the craziness of this week but I won’t get into those details. It’s just to say that big or small many times life gives us situations that we are not expecting.
Interruptions Can Help Us Grow
Maybe you can relate to having interruptions. Perhaps it’s not a heart attack but you have constant interruptions. You can never quite get on top of all the things you need to get done in a day because you are being interrupted throughout the day with meals that need to be made, children that need to be dressed (at least somewhat), dishes, laundry, and a million other tasks that are seeking your attention.
Well if that’s you I want to encourage you with the things the Lord has been encouraging me with this week.
I thought a lot this week about what is truly important and how I can so often overemphasize things that really are of little eternal importance. The reality is life is about more than making progress, maintaining a home, or even accomplishing everything you set out to do in a day.
I thought about the quote below and how instead of avoiding interruptions at all costs to our work, we can learn to see them as part of God’s plan for our day.
These times of feeling interrupted, delayed perhaps inadequate or behind can actually be good for our soul? Lessons that our soul needs to be reminded of what is true, good and eternal.
Something Greater than My To-Do List
Now don’t get me wrong it feels good to cross things off of my list each day. To finish a project, lose a few pounds, make progress on the unending laundry pile or on a home improvement project. And in many ways progress is important.
But sometimes while scrolling through our feeds it can feel like progress is everything. Like if I can just make a little progress in this area my world will be complete. But this week I was reminded that whether big or small there is something much more important that completing my to-do list.
Elisabeth Elliott says,
“If we hold tightly to anything given to us unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used we stunt the growth of the soul. What God gives us is not necessarily “ours” but only ours to offer back to him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of, if we want to be our true selves. Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.”
Passion & Purity 1984
Our time is one of those gifts. If we hold it too tightly and don’t allow God to change our plans and our to-do list. We could actually prevent ourselves from becoming more like Him. That is challenging to me, especially in the more ordinary moments of life. When the interruptions don’t seem life threatening but more inconveniences to me.
Laying Down Our To-Do List
Unexpected interruptions, delays or the needs of others are actually an opportunity to see growth in our lives. A laying down of our own plans, ambitions, and dreams in order to serve another.
These verses help us to see that in laying down our own lives for Christ we actually find ours. In Matthew 16:25-26 in the Bible it says,
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
What a beautiful thing. What a hard thing. What a thing that only Christ can do.
Surrendering Our To-Do List to Christ
In the hospital I read the verses above and they spoke to me. Reminding me of what following Christ means. Of course that doesn’t always mean I fully abandon my to-do list like I did this week. But rather live our lives surrendered to Christ.
This week was crazy in many unexpected ways. But in big ways and small I was learning a more important lesson. How to put the needs of others above my own. How to trust God for my ambitions and desires when he is asking me to focus my attention elsewhere.
So be encouraged dear friend, the interruptions big or small that tend to seem random, may be some of the most important work we do in a day. Because those moments are the ones that are shaping us in the image of Christ. Faithfully doing the work we are called to, but joyfully laying it aside when God has something else for us on His to-do list.
God Bless you and KEEP you this weekend,
If you like this post you might also like this one on desiring Christ alone.
Hi Elizabeth! What a pleasure to read your words of encouragement again!
Your thoughts about interruptions helped me remember something I recently read in Interior Freedom by Jacques Phillippe. Apparently St. Therese of Lisieux would say, “I choose to be interrupted.” By accepting everything, her will was always aligned with God’s will – she accepted everything and was therefore supremely free.
In mundane interruptions and in the scary and difficult interruptions of life, it can be hard to feel that freedom and to know how to choose full alignment with God’s will. Your reminder to desire God alone helps.
thank you! I’m so glad to see your beautiful family and the good words you are sharing!
AnnMarie! How wonderful to hear from you and have you visit my site. What a treat! I have talked about you to friends and family and always say you were the best running and praying buddy around! Hope that you are doing well too. Would be fun to connect more! <3
Just what I needed to hear in the busyness of this mama’s life. Having three kids under 5 at home all day I find not even doing my to do list and just being with them makes me happy. Watching their little faces light up over the simplest of things. How I miss those things when I am consumed with my to do list, or meal, cleaning etc. Which in light of eternity and tomorrow my kids don’t give a hoot about any of that. Just time, attention, and love that went along with it! Thanks Liz for this blog! Needed to hear ALL of this..and by the way I totally love doing repurposed things and projects DIY stuff, but find in this season it is so hard to even do the survival things. So this blog will be fun! Love you! Melissa Wehking
Hi Melissa, So fun to have you stop by! Yes you are a busy mama, and such a good mama! It’s easy to for the to-do list to feel like everything. But love hearing what you shared. That’s fun you like re-purposing too! Be sure to share projects you try or even ones you are working on in the comments! Thanks for stopping by, come often! I try to do projects every week.