Check out this Serenity blue chalk paint dresser makeover for a little girls room. There’s just something amazing about adding a fresh coat of chalk paint to a dresser. I painted this little girl’s dresser in Serenity blue chalk paint. If you have wanted to do a DIY dresser makeover using blue chalk paint, this dresser makeover is for you!

It’s been awhile since I have done a DIY dresser makeover. And really it’s been about 7 months since I have painted anything. I pretty much came to a dead halt with painting makeovers about 7 months ago, when I found out I was expecting my third baby. The morning sickness of pregnancy made the thought of painting quite repulsive. But now I must be feeling better because I have a beautiful DIY dresser makeover I did a few weeks ago for a little girl’s bedroom.
This little girl’s dresser was for a connection on Facebook. A friend from my church tagged me on a post and connected me with a gal interested in painting a dresser for her little girl’s room. She already had the type of dresser makeover she wanted in mind, and she was hoping to create a similar look on the dresser for her daughter’s nursery.
Just a side note: I love doing dressers’s for little kid’s rooms. I think there is something magical about childhood that helps me to be a little more free with the colors and styles. Color has a way of evoking certain emotions and bright colors seem playful to me and more childlike. Like my daughter’s dresser in purple chalk paint, and my nephew’s dresser with cocoa chalk paint, dark stain, and giant numbers.
Here’s the before picture of this little girl’s dresser. As you can see, it’s a cute antique dresser. Since the gal already knew how she wanted the dresser painted. Choosing the colors and style of this dresser was relatively easy. But here’s what we did for this little girl’s dresser makeover.
Here’s the materials we used for this little girl’s dresser makeover:
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- Serentiy Blue Chalk Paint
- KwikWood Repair Putty
- white wax
- Glass Blossom Knobs
- Chalked spray finish
Here’s the process I used to makeover this dresser:
Step 1: Repair gauges, nicks and scratches on the dresser
There were a few holes, nicks and gauges in the dresser. So the first thing I did was repair all those areas. Including the two spindles that had two holes where a mirror was originally held. So I filled those holes in as well. If you have never repaired gauges or holes in furniture here’s a super simple and easy tutorial on how to repair furniture.
Step 2: Chalk Painted the dresser
The beauty of chalk paint is that very little prep is needed. And once I sanded down the Kwikwood putty covering the nicks and holes I started with chalk painting. I used Serenity Blue chalk paint on this dresser makeover. It is a soft bluish color with some hints of gray in it. It really is a pretty color.
After the first coat I sent a picture to the owner of the dresser. She was thrilled with the color so I moved forward and added two additional coats of the Serenity blue chalk paint.
Step 3: Finding new knobs for the dresser
The fun part of re-doing a dresser is finding the perfect knobs to compliment the dresser! Since the owner already knew she wanted a feminine feel to the dresser we narrowed the options down to glass knobs.
I purchased about 10 different glass knobs for the dresser and tried them out. Putting different knobs on really finalizes a piece. And sometimes, like with my daughter’s dresser, a certain knob alone can be the whole inspiration for a dresser. We both agreed these knobs were perfect for this dresser.
Finishing the dresser with wax & a topcoat
After I was satisfied with the paint coverage, I finished the dresser with white wax. It was not super noticeable in terms of the white wax filling in the grains, but I think it softened the color just a touch. Then to make the finish a little more durable I used Chalked by Rustoluem as a topcoat.
Overall I liked how this dresser turned out. And perhaps more importantly the owner was very pleased with her daughter’s dresser makeover! I imagine this sweet baby girl growing up with her new dresser and it makes me smile! 🙂
Thanks so much for reading a long! Let me know in the comments below if you would ever consider using a bright color on furniture. What color would you choose? Don’t forget to check out these other little girl’s and little boy’s dresser makeovers!
Have a great week!
Do you have a dresser or piece of furniture you would like to re-do?
Don’t know where to start? I would be happy to give you any tips or suggestions. Just reach out to me at and we can brainstorm together. Also be sure and sign up for the Free Chalk Paint Guide below. This guide will give you tips on how to chalk paint furniture if you are new to it.
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